I think I found a bug: No emails sent after changing the root email address.
Here is how you can reproduce:
Fresh install
I followed those steps:
So using the rails console, I changed the email:
- So I did go to the website and connect to the discourse again. And this happened :
Nothing on my mail and nothing for now.
- When I click on "Resend Activation Email", this happened:
I checked on the browser for any errors and I got this:
So, at the end, I cannot change the email or do anything regarding the forum administration because of that.
I don't receive any email regarding the account too.
It's a fresh install done 30 minutes ago. I tried to reinstall discourse and I still have the same issue. I'm on cloudron v7.6.4
"appId": "1a342dac-eb6c-4ab3-8ae8-d3b026ae934e",
"app": {
"accessRestriction": null,
"memoryLimit": 0,
"sso": true,
"debugMode": null,
"mailboxName": "forum.app",
"mailboxDomain": "nas01.gravfu.com",
"enableBackup": true,
"enableAutomaticUpdate": true,
"secondaryDomains": [],
"redirectDomains": [],
"aliasDomains": [],
"env": {},
"label": null,
"tags": [],
"enableMailbox": true,
"upstreamUri": "",
"enableTurn": true,
"enableRedis": true,
"runState": "running",
"installationState": "pending_install",
"appStoreId": "org.discourse.cloudronapp",
"manifest": {
"id": "org.discourse.cloudronapp",
"title": "Discourse",
"author": "Discourse Team",
"description": "## About\n\nDiscourse is the 100% open source discussion platform built for the next decade of the Internet.\n\nUse it as a:\n\n* mailing list\n* discussion forum\n* long-form chat room\n\nTo learn more about the philosophy and goals of the project, visit discourse.org.\n\n",
"changelog": "* Update Discourse to 3.1.3\n",
"tagline": "Civilized discussion",
"version": "2.2.3",
"upstreamVersion": "3.1.3",
"healthCheckPath": "/",
"httpPort": 80,
"memoryLimit": 2147483648,
"addons": {
"localstorage": {},
"postgresql": {},
"redis": {},
"oidc": {
"loginRedirectUri": "/auth/oidc/callback"
"sendmail": {
"supportsDisplayName": false
"recvmail": {}
"optionalSso": true,
"manifestVersion": 2,
"website": "https://www.discourse.org/",
"contactEmail": "support@cloudron.io",
"icon": "logo.png",
"tags": [
"postInstallMessage": "This app is pre-setup with an admin account. The initial credentials are:\n\n**Username**: root<br/>\n**Password**: changeme123<br/>\n**Email**: root@cloudron.local<br/>\n\nPlease change the admin password and email immediately. To change the root account email, please follow the [docs](https://cloudron.io/documentation/apps/discourse/#changing-root-account-email).\n\n",
"mediaLinks": [
"minBoxVersion": "7.5.0",
"forumUrl": "https://forum.cloudron.io/category/33/discourse",
"documentationUrl": "https://docs.cloudron.io/apps/discourse/",
"logPaths": [
"dockerImage": "cloudron/org.discourse.cloudronapp:20231109-135353-457de9b28"
"subdomain": "forum",
"domain": "nas01.gravfu.com",
"portBindings": {},
"fqdn": "forum.nas01.gravfu.com"
"taskId": "520"
Thank you in advance for your help!