Unable to uninstall yarn packages
After I uninstall a package and restart NodeBB(from Cloudron), the plugin keeps reinstalling again.
On restart, these are the relevant logs:
nodebb-plugin-reactions Nov 03 11:36:56 Nov 03 11:36:56 ... Nov 03 11:36:56" is active but not installed.
Output of ./nodebb plugins after restart:
* nodebb-plugin-reactions@0.0.4 (installed, disabled)
Uninstall using the terminal:
/usr/local/bin/gosu cloudron:cloudron yarn remove nodebb-plugin-reactions
Also tried to reset first before uninstalling:
./nodebb reset -p nodebb-plugin-reactions
I was able to fix this by deactivating all the plugins after the yarn remove from above and then restarting. So I guess its an upstream issue.