BUG: Calendar 5.2.0 - Event Popup Overflows Viewport: Issues with Top/Bottom Visibility on Calendar Clicks
For those like me who heavily rely on the calendar feature, there is a bug in version 5.2.0.
The popup window is partially hidden, either off the top or bottom of the screen, depending on where the click occurs in the calendar.
This makes certain elements of the popup inaccessible.
For now, I have resolved the issue by adding the following CSS, in case it might be helpful for others here:
.v-popper__popper.event-popover { position: fixed!important; max-height: 90vh!important; overflow: visible!important; top: 10%!important; left: 50%!important; transform: translateX(-50%)!important; z-index: 10000!important; }
Link ticket: github
I reported a similar but different bug over 2 years ago and it's still not been addressed