Hi all !
I've been using Baserow on Cloudron since 5 months now. I'm currently using a very slow Baserow :
- Directly from the visual tables, it is slow to create or delete rows (sometimes, it can take 20 seconds, and not work at all)
- API Calls are sometimes very long (POST / UPDATE / DELETE), and they sometimes respond with error 500 or network error.
My current setup :
Digital Ocean Droplet - 4 GB Memory / 25 GB Disk (Frankfurt) - Cloudron 7.6.2 on Ubuntu 22.04
Cloudron, easily installed with DigitalOcean Marketplace
My Cloudron runs two apps :
At the moment, I run 1 database and it isn't so big :
15 tables in total
300 lines in TOTAL in my whole database
Quite a few columns (3 tables have more than 40 columns)
I don't really understand because my database is still pretty tiny and the ressources shown both in Cloudron & DigitalOcean do not seem to indicate any big trouble ... so it is hard to debug!
Here are a few screenshots to help :
From DigitalOcean Cloudron Droplet
From Cloudron interface
From Cloudron Services tab
And from Baserow app ressources
Any idea where that might come from?
Thanks a lot,