is it possible to remove / replace / restrict access the homepage of DocuSeal?
This is a screenshot for https://docuseal.cloudroninstance.com
I want to get rid of the whole webiste and especially of the counter on the bottom.
is it possible to remove / replace / restrict access the homepage of DocuSeal?
This is a screenshot for https://docuseal.cloudroninstance.com
I want to get rid of the whole webiste and especially of the counter on the bottom.
I have the exact same problem.
The last time, about 4 weeks ago, everything was fine.
I'As a newbie here, so I can't upvote. But appsmith on cloudron would be awesome!
Changing the location of Mirotalk SFU in the app setting breaks something and the app is not accessible anymore.
Can somebody confirm this?
I already posted this as an Issue on Github, but Miroslav confirmed that this is not a bug of Mirotalk. So probably it's an Issue with Cloudron?
Below, you can see my config.js of my Mirotalk SFU instance on Cloudron. Changes in the config.js to the UI don't affect the UI. Changes in other parts of config.js work (for example host protection). Could this be an issue with cloudron?
I don't know if this helps, but I found this in the Mirotalk Discord:
// All options at https://github.com/miroslavpejic85/mirotalksfu/blob/main/app/src/config.template.js
module.exports = {
host: {
Host Protection (default: false)
To enhance host security, enable host protection - user auth and provide valid
usernames and passwords in the users array.
protected: true, //protection works fine
user_auth: false,
users: [
username: 'usertest',
password: 'passtest',
presenters: {
By default, the presenter is identified as the first participant
to join the room, distinguished by their username and UUID.
Additional layers can be added to specify valid presenters
and co-presenters by setting designated usernames.
list: [],
join_first: true, // Set to true for traditional behavior, false to prioritize presenters
ui: {
Customize your MiroTalk instance
brand: {
app: {
name: 'new app name',
title: 'new app title',
'new app description',
site: {
title: 'new site name',
icon: '../images/logo.svg',
appleTouchIcon: '../images/logo.svg',
meta: {
'meta description',
og: {
type: 'app-webrtc',
siteName: 'Newname',
title: 'newTitle',
description: 'new description',
image: 'https://sfu.mirotalk.com/images/mirotalksfu.png',
url: 'https://test.com/',
html: {
features: false, //features will appear, eventhough this is false
teams: true,
tryEasier: true,
poweredBy: true,
sponsors: true,
advertisers: true,
footer: true,