@girish Sorry. Missed point. Although, I understand the confusion, but only if you have not used Poe.com or similar to understand what Apps are in this context.
I don't mean share a conversation. They all do that.
I mean share the entire setup across multiple users.
Let's say you want to create AI chatapp that has all the knowledge of the latest Cloudron documentation already loaded up in it, for all the users on your shared chat platform to then use in getting better AI answers to questions. LibreChat can do that. They call it "Agents" in the interface.
Similar concept to Poe.com apps. You can load them up with tons of recent knowledge that is additional to the AI model it is connecting to.
Update once, and all users of that "App" are now chatting with the latest additional knowledge.
Sharing a chat from the base model with no specific knowledge is just not the same thing.