Trying to get started, as the promise of Cloudron is to provide self-hosting for cloud services (at least, as I was pitched
). Less than zero interest in using any cloud server provider.
The first thing required by the Setup script -- before you can even get the script to run -- is a "provider" option. However, there's no documentation W H A T S O E V E R for this option. I tried "--help" at first to see if it would explain the options, or even what the question is asking (is it asking for a music service provider? internet service provider? food service provider? ELABORATE on the question, please!).
I had no direction to what to pick or when to pick the "Generic" option. Didn't even know what that means, and I also didn't know what 9/10 of the available options were even referring to.
I know my domain is bought through Godaddy, so I was looking for the Godaddy DNS option there, as the docs dive head-first from "run this command line with options a/b/d/g/b/sb/sdf/generic and when it comes back, read on!", right into DNS options, so I thought it was referring to DNS.
Could you just take a few minutes and write a couple more lines in this page explaining what the heck the "provider" option refers to?