- Title: Checkmate: An open source uptime and infrastructure monitoring application
- Main Page: https://checkmate.so/
- Git: https://github.com/bluewave-labs/checkmate
- Licence: AGPLv3
- Docker: Yes
- Demo: https://checkmate-demo.bluewavelabs.ca/
- Summary: Checkmate is an open source monitoring tool that tracks the operational status and performance of servers and websites. It regularly checks whether a server/website is accessible and performs optimally, providing real-time alerts and reports on the monitored services' availability, downtime, and response time. Checkmate also has an agent, called Capture, to retrieve data from remote servers. While Capture is not required to run Checkmate, it provides additional insight into your servers' CPU, RAM, disk and temperature status.
- Notes: Checkmate is a beautiful, robust platform that can check both uptime and server health at the same time. It would be a great addition to Cloudron.
- Screenshots: