@girish thanks for the update...I confirm the installation now succeeds on the current version of Cloudron's bundledRedmine application when using the latest main branch of the plugin which includes the author's fix...
Failure installing "additionals" plugin due to RO filesystem -
Failure installing "additionals" plugin due to RO filesystem@girish noted and understood, thank you.
Failure installing "additionals" plugin due to RO filesystem@girish thanks, while pending on upstream investigation of the plugin, what's the feasibility to change /public to be a symbolic link from /app/data so it is by default no longer read-only or at least as an interim "workaround"?
Failure installing "additionals" plugin due to RO filesystem@girish yes, I read those instructions...executing
git clone -b main https://github.com/AlphaNodes/additionals.git plugins/additionalsfrom app/code or app/data effectively does the same "extract" the plugin into /app/data/plugins/additionals
except the new folder "additionals" and its sub-folders and files are owned by root:root
I executed chown -hR cloudron:cloudron ./additionals to match with existing folders/files in /app/data/pluginsThe rake fails as follows due to /app/code/public/images being read-only:
Could not create directory /app/code/public/images/emojis: Read-only file system @ dir_s_mkdir - /app/code/public/images/emojis
Thanks for looking into this...
Failure installing "additionals" plugin due to RO filesystemHi,
I've tried to install the "additionals" plugin for Redmine on the latest available Cloudron Redmine version using the following commands in app/code:
git clone -b main https://github.com/AlphaNodes/additionals.git plugins/additionals
bundle config set --local without 'development test'
bundle install
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=productionHowever, the rake fails with:
rake aborted!
Could not create directory /app/code/public/images/emojis: Read-only file system @ dir_s_mkdir - /app/code/public/images/emojis
Caused by:
Errno::EROFS: Read-only file system @ dir_s_mkdir - /app/code/public/images/emojis
/app/code/plugins/additionals/lib/additionals/gemify.rb:15:in `install_emoji_assets'Looking at the listing of app/code suggests that ./public OR at least ./public/images should be symbolic linked to the equivalent writeable item in app/data much like app/code/plugins and app/code/public/plugin_assets
At minimum, please consider exposing ./public/images through app/data/public/images.
Preferably please consider exposing ./public through app/data/public for more flexibility - it's understood that modifications made to these files directly may be overwritten/negated by an update, but at least the modifications could be re-applied as necessary and added files would remain unaffected across updates?
Kindly advise the way forward...
Thanks in advance!