Anyone else experiencing this, or if you have, did you find a solution? There's an issue someone opened on github for following count not updating, but no official word on it yet.
I'm wondering if this is a configuration issue.
Anyone else experiencing this, or if you have, did you find a solution? There's an issue someone opened on github for following count not updating, but no official word on it yet.
I'm wondering if this is a configuration issue.
I noticed when using PixelFed with Cloudron the admin panel links were missing in the new UI and you couldn't edit the Discovery page (which is done outside of the admin panel).
To get everything working with the new UI, these commands need to run followed by an app restart:
sudo -u www-data php artisan cache:clear
sudo -u www-data php artisan optimize:clear
sudo -u www-data php artisan optimize
Then restart the app. I hope this helps someone and hopefully gets updated in the docs.
@nebulon Thank you for that link! Is if possible to have my database run on a different server than the one cloudron is running on? Also is AWS S3 an option?
I know I can edit Mastodon's .env file directly but will Cloudron support that?
I think that'll help with diskspace a ton as well.
@nebulon It ran out of diskspace after running mastodon for about 24 hours (with federation relays added)
@nebulon Yup that's it! Good to see it was already a scheduled task.
By the way, today my database filled up and I was no longer able to access my Mastodon app. (using Digital Ocean) I increased my droplet size, but that didn't seem to help as the database is in a docker image(?). Seems there wasn't a way to resize that image to use more space.
So my app is stuck is a state of database failing to connect because space is maxed out.
There's also an option in Mastodon to purge remote media (pulled in with federation on). Not sure if that config option is in Cloudron, but that would help with space.
@scooke Maybe I misread, but you say this is for a personal instance with just you as a user or do you have a small community using your instance? If so, how many users?