Rocket.Chat 3.7.0 high CPU Usage
Hi, I've been trying to troubleshoot some issues with the latest version of Rocket.Chat without any luck.
I updated my instance today to 3.7.0 usually my server sits at around 5% CPU usage, since the update the CPU has been constantly over 50% utilization.
I tried to restart the app, but it did not help. Uninstalling the app sent the CPU to the usual 5% usage.
I uninstalled and reinstalled the app, but the result is the same.
The logs show this I don't know if this has something to do.
Sep 30 01:25:30 MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
Sep 30 01:25:30 connecting to: mongodb://mongodb:27017/3ec8f944241bc0ac
Sep 30 01:25:30 MongoDB server version: 4.0.19
Sep 30 01:25:30 WARNING: shell and server versions do not match
Sep 30 01:26:02 Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next commandnpm update
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I checked on our own chat instance and I can confirm there is some issue with cpu usage since the app update. In our case it wasn't so clear since it would only use one of many cpu cores.
Not sure what the root cause is, but the cpu is actually spent in the mongodb service. The version mismatch was already there in the previous version, so I suspect this is Rocket.Chat somehow hammering the database with requests.
I have revoked the latest release until we have more information and a fix for this. So please restore to the previous version if this is a problem for your setup.
Will do, good to know it's not an issue on my end.
Thanks for the quick reply!