why i don't use webhosting services like wix
hey guys.
i know this is abnormal for me to do, but i don't have website for me to do it on, so i do it on here.
i kinda wanted to go into detail of why using cloudron is better than using web hosting services like wix. of course, i'm not necisarily leavingt out linode, volture and cloud server providers, i'm talking about website hosting like wix, and others.-
the wix infrastructure manages your certificates. i don't want to make a purchase where i know my data (payment methods, passwords, etc) can be intercepted by say, eix, or its third party providers.
they manage the infrastructure, its better for the user to manage their own infrastructure, not some oll third-party provider. sure, cloudflare does something similar but at least they don't actually manage your server or manage how you do business (in what i've noticed).
the people at these companies have the probility of getting hacked, more because of its userbase.
its like windows. right?
the more customers you ahve, the more vulnerable you are.
not saying exactly they're the worst services in the world, just take that with a grain of sault.
I agree with your perspective on this. The whole idea of having control over your certificates and sensitive data is a big deal for me too. Wix and similar services might offer convenience, but there's a certain level of risk when they manage everything, especially considering potential interception by third-party providers.
replied to Rick on last edited by
@Rick definitely. o, and imagine they have a connection with...those boys.
yup, the IT guys sitting at their ouse watching the packets.
the alphabet boys.
and wicks once had a vulenrability in their servers, something about a dom based XSS attack. i mean, yeah, cloudron somewhat controls your certificates but at least you can change that.