1.5 Broke email and is buggy
Not sure what happened but it seems the new update broke email and some random dates showing that should not be.
@CptPlastic Not sure if this is the same error message you are getting, but it seems the mails are misinformed. Might be Haraka (cloudron mail system) specific and I don't know where to report this upstream...
Aug 14 14:40:25 [NOTICE] [6B68CE5F-A3FB-496B-9DC6-EB3634987FC5] [core] connect ip=fd00:c107:d509::d port=52584 local_ip=fd00:c107:d509::b local_port=2525 Aug 14 14:40:25 [INFO] [6B68CE5F-A3FB-496B-9DC6-EB3634987FC5] [helo.checks] helo_host: xxx.xxx.xxx, skip:proto_mismatch(private), bare_ip(private), dynamic(private), valid_hostname(private), rdns_match(private), host_mismatch(private) Aug 14 14:40:25 [INFO] [6B68CE5F-A3FB-496B-9DC6-EB3634987FC5] [core] hook=unrecognized_command plugin=cloudron function=hook_unrecognized_command params=AUTH retval=OK msg="" Aug 14 14:40:25 [INFO] [6B68CE5F-A3FB-496B-9DC6-EB3634987FC5] [core] hook=unrecognized_command plugin=cloudron function=hook_unrecognized_command params="dGVybWluLmFwcEBzY2h1bHNlcnZlci5vbmxpbmU=" retval=OK msg="" Aug 14 14:40:25 [INFO] [6B68CE5F-A3FB-496B-9DC6-EB3634987FC5] [cloudron] Authenticated as xxx@xxx.xxx Aug 14 14:40:25 [INFO] [6B68CE5F-A3FB-496B-9DC6-EB3634987FC5] [core] hook=unrecognized_command plugin=cloudron function=hook_unrecognized_command params=OGZlNDQ3MzQ5ZDllOTI3ZGM5YmY0NjgwN2IwZjE4YzU2ZGU1NzE3NDEwZjcwZjY5 retval=OK msg="" Aug 14 14:40:25 [NOTICE] [6B68CE5F-A3FB-496B-9DC6-EB3634987FC5.1] [core] sender <xxx@xxx.xxx> code=CONT msg="" Aug 14 14:40:25 [INFO] [6B68CE5F-A3FB-496B-9DC6-EB3634987FC5.1] [core] hook=rcpt plugin=rcpt_to.in_host_list function=hook_rcpt params=<xxx@xxx.xxx> retval=OK msg="" Aug 14 14:40:25 [INFO] [6B68CE5F-A3FB-496B-9DC6-EB3634987FC5.1] [delay_deny] bypassing all pre-DATA deny: AUTH/RELAY Aug 14 14:40:25 [NOTICE] [6B68CE5F-A3FB-496B-9DC6-EB3634987FC5.1] [core] recipient <xxx@xxx.xxx> code=OK msg="" sender=xxx@xxx.xxx Aug 14 14:40:25 [NOTICE] [6B68CE5F-A3FB-496B-9DC6-EB3634987FC5.1] [core] Client sent bare line-feed - .\n rather than .\r\n Aug 14 14:40:25 [NOTICE] [6B68CE5F-A3FB-496B-9DC6-EB3634987FC5.1] [core] disconnect ip=fd00:c107:d509::d rdns=f1a9575d-4e9d-4e08-af9e-64987f686d4a.cloudron helo=xxx.xxx.xxx relay=Y early=N esmtp=Y tls=N pipe=N errors=0 txns=1 rcpts=1/0/0 msgs=0/0/0 bytes=0 lr="451 Bare line-feed; see http://haraka.github.io/barelf/" time=0.028
Yeah I that is the same I ended up using CAL. This is just getting worse it seems.
Yeah I that is the same I ended up using CAL. This is just getting worse it seems.