HAWKI - didactic interface based on the OpenAI API
HAWKI is a didactic interface for universities based on the OpenAI API. It is not necessary for users to create an account, the university ID is sufficient for login - no user-related data is stored.
The service was developed by Jonas Trippler, Vincent Timm and Stefan Woelwer at the Interaction Design Lab at the HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts in order to give all members of the university the opportunity to integrate artificial intelligence into their work processes and to have a meeting place where new ways of working may emerge and an internal university discussion about the use of AI can take place. The interface is currently divided into three areas:
Conversation: A chat area similar to ChatGPT, for a quick start to any task.
Virtual office: Conversations with fictional experts as a mental model to familiarise yourself with non-technical areas and to make more targeted enquiries to real university experts.
Learning Space: The learning spaces are designed to help you understand the different support options and learn what makes an effective prompt.
With additional authentification methods, it would be highly beneficial to users outside of universitites, such as schools and nonprofits, as well.