Endurain on Cloudron - fitness tracker
- Main Page: link
- Git: https://github.com/joaovitoriasilva/endurain/tree/master?tab=readme-ov-file#features
- Licence: GNU GPL v3.0
- Docker: Yes: Backend - https://github.com/joaovitoriasilva/endurain/blob/master/backend/Dockerfile
Frontend - https://github.com/joaovitoriasilva/endurain/blob/master/frontend/Dockerfile - Demo: link
- Summary: DIY fitness tracker journey. Frontend is built using Vue.js and Bootstrap CSS; Python FastAPI, Alembic, SQLAlchemy, stravalib, gpxpy, MariaDB behind the scenes
- Notes: We should take an interest in our own health and fitness. This project is currently in Alpha state. You can try it out at your own risk, but be aware that things might break and DATA LOSS may occur.
- Alternative to / Libhunt link:
- Screenshots: