Openhab Blink binding verfification
I am tryoing to connect my Cloudron-hosted Openhab with Blink cameras.
Installed the binding
Filled in credentials
Then I need to complete the 2fa code from Blink SMS
But the documentation seems incorrect :The URL for pin verification is <youropenhaburl>/blink/<accountUID>. The easiest way to get this, is to copy the validationURL thing property:
But I can't find the
in Openhab.
I tried with the<accountUID
but Openhab says not found.Anyone know how to find the validationURL ?
Hmmm, seems my Cloudron instance was broken.
Cloudron reports version 4.0.4
App reports v3.4.1
Deleted installation and reinstalled.
Now app reports 4.0.4
Trying again .... -
Why don't people update their docs !
The binding for Blink listed in the Openhab is old and doesn't work.
Need a new version and needs to be installed manually into/app/data/addons
Link (as of now) :
And the verificationURL now shows but it is slightly different to the docs - should be
where xxxx is just the hex string not the fullblink:account:xxxxxx
Now the binding is online and I'll see if it works with detecting cameras and doing something useful.