TagSpaces on Cloudron - privacy aware file manager with tagging and note-taking capabilities
Main Website: https://www.tagspaces.org/
Licence: AGPL
Github: https://github.com/tagspaces/tagspaces
Demo: https://www.tagspaces.org/demo/
Docker: Yes
Libhunt: https://selfhosted.libhunt.com/tagspaces-alternativesIf you are managing an archive and would like to use tags instead of folders, and make use of colour, this could help.
TagSpaces can also act as a bookmark manager.
Many features (e.g full-text-search) require a yearly subscription: https://www.tagspaces.org/products/
Many features (e.g full-text-search) require a yearly subscription: https://www.tagspaces.org/products/
@necrevistonnezr Yes, thanks for pointing out that rather disappointing "open-core", "fauxpen source" aspect.