Backend server for NextCloud's Whiteboard app on Cloudron ?
Hello everyone and best wishes for the new year
Just wondering if someone is using the official Nextcloud's Whiteboard app and how to manage the backend server installation on Cloudron ?
The server install process is described here :
Thanks for your advices and support
Best regards
I haven't tried it but in theory, you can just clone the app and run inside some /app/data/whiteboard of nextcloud . Run the app itself as a cron service -
Alternately, please make an app request
@joseph where can I make a request for this? I think it would be really cool if by default this was configured.
@EXT-OWL in the App Wishlist category, but @osobo has already done it:
(but so far I'm the only other person who has upvoted it!)
It might make sense to just go for the AIO package instead: