flohmarkt on Cloudron - A decentral federated small advertisement platform
- Title: flohmarkt on Cloudron - A decentral federated small advertisement platform
- Main Page: https://codeberg.org/flohmarkt/flohmarkt
- Git: https://codeberg.org/flohmarkt/flohmarkt
- Licence: AGPL
- Docker: Yes
- Demo: https://codeberg.org/flohmarkt/flohmarkt/wiki/flohmarkt-instances
- Summary: The name flohmarkt is a german word and translates to flea market or garage sale in english. This is a symbol for each flohmarkt being meant to be a small place for a somehow connected group of people. All the flohmarkts willing to federate make up one big place for small advertisements about exchange of goods and services.
flohmarkt as its project name is written in lower-case letters. - Notes: I would like to run my own flomarkt as I do not want my listings to be in the grace of some admins who can just take them down (like kleinenziegen.de o bea does if you miss something in the description)
- Screenshots: