[GitHub API] Update your access token to the new format
Release Bell
GitHub sent me the following email, is it something I can change in ReleaseBell or is an update needed?
We noticed that, at April 5th, 2021 at 23:25 (UTC) your authentication token (ReleaseBell, with a user-agent header of releasebell@cloudron octokit-rest.js/18.2.0 octokit-core.js/3.2.5 Node.js/14.15.4 (linux; x64)) accessed the GitHub API, the token you used has an outdated format. In order to provide additional security benefits to all our customers, we recently updated the format of our API authentication tokens. Please update your authentication tokens to take advantage of these benefits, by visiting https://github.com/settings/tokens.
I don't think the app needs to be updated, but only the access token needs refreshing. Once a new access token is generated on GitHub it can be set in the profile view of releasebell.