Can perform git commit from Cloudron terminal
In the Cloudron terminal, after authenticating over https, I have had no trouble with
git pull
But I have not had success with
git commit git push
Git requires that I identify who I am in order to commit (and therefore push). But the Cloudron terminal won't let me do that. I think that where Git wants to write my credentials is read only.
In the Cloudron terminal, after authenticating over https, I have had no trouble with
git pull
But I have not had success with
git commit git push
Git requires that I identify who I am in order to commit (and therefore push). But the Cloudron terminal won't let me do that. I think that where Git wants to write my credentials is read only.
I figured it out.
Git's inline help, upon not knowing who you are, makes the suggestions:
git config --global <email>
git config --global <name>Cloudron's problem is "--global". It has no problem with setting the and for a particular /app.
So this solved my problem:
git config <email>
git config <name>of course substituting my email address for "<email>" and my name for "<name>".