Best curriculum / training in Nextcloud?
Is there a course anybody can recommend that would help bring people up to speed with Nextcloud and how to use its features and administer?
@LoudLemur Trial & error, Cloudron Forum and ChatGPT
I'm generally of the opinion it's the best of the FOSS bunch for personal, and business, so the rest is just time and experience.
There's always alternatives, but I'm hyper-aware of hidden time-costs in having many separate apps, so Nextcloud is good enough for most routine business needs.
Just be mindful that some of the 3rd-party apps can be buggy or lower quality, so try and keep those minimal.
@LoudLemur Trial & error, Cloudron Forum and ChatGPT
I'm generally of the opinion it's the best of the FOSS bunch for personal, and business, so the rest is just time and experience.
There's always alternatives, but I'm hyper-aware of hidden time-costs in having many separate apps, so Nextcloud is good enough for most routine business needs.
Just be mindful that some of the 3rd-party apps can be buggy or lower quality, so try and keep those minimal.
@marcusquinn Thanks.
In the recent Hub5 presentation, NextCloud's CEO showed clear commitment to data sovereignty for users. I think it is great how Nextcloud could as easily help individuals and families as much as businesses.