@girish Thank you. We appreciate your work.
Add Deno to Rocket.Chat for Apps to work -
Add Deno to Rocket.Chat for Apps to workHello. Thank you for this. I have a client with Rocket.Chat on Cloudron, and since Rocket.Chat Release 7.0.0, we are unable to install any of the Rocket.Chat Marketplace Apps. When we attempt various ways to enable or install them, we receive errors such as "Timeout: app process not ready" and "The App had compiler errors, can not enable it." As a result, we have not been able to upgrade to Rocket.Chat 7.0 and beyond since the Marketplace Apps that we use are essential for us.
Is this topic related to this issue and/or have others had problems using the Marketplace Apps in Rocket.Chat on Cloudron? I did deploy Rocket.Chat with Docker on my own server apart from Cloudron, and the Marketplace App installations work as intended, so this appears to only be isolated to my client's Rocket.Chat on Cloudron.
Is this a known issue, and if it is, is there a fix in queue?
Thank you for your help.