@girish Thank you for your advice. It wasn't easy but I finally got there ! Already I had not understood right away that it was the "email" section of the Wordpress app ! Despite this, it is impossible to make an address work on Fluent SMTP. So I created a new address "noreply@domain.fr" on Cloudron and I first configured it in the e-mail section of the Wordpress app as if I was going to use the Wordpress-mailer-SMTP normally and by applying the TLS protocol to it. After a first test I configured Fluent SMTP in the same way then, back in the e-mail section of the Wordpress app where I selected "do not configure the settings of the app to send mail" and then disabled the WP-mailer-SMTP plugin. And everything works fine !
"fluent" SMTP configuration problem in Wordpress. -
"fluent" SMTP configuration problem in Wordpress.@girish
Absolutely, Fluent SMTP is an additional plugin in Wordpress. Fluent form seems to recommend using it to ensure email deliverability rather than the one already installed on Wordpress. So I tried to configure it based on the information relating to one of the email addresses available on my Cloudron account. -
"fluent" SMTP configuration problem in Wordpress.I'm using the "Fluent SMTP" forms plugin and trying to configure access to Cloudron's SMTP server.
I strictly followed the steps explained in the manual:
[https://fluentsmtp.com/docs/set-up-fluent-smtp-with-any-host-or-mailer/](link url)
Unfortunately when I complete the setup I get: "Failed to verify credentials. Please verify your entries."
I do not see where the problem is. Do you have a solution that can get me out of the impasse?
Thank you in advance !