I am having some errors setting up a Nextcloud server doing user management with LDAP.
I configured my LDAP settings in Cloudron as follows:
Server URL
ldaps://[subdomain.domain]:636 (I removed the domain for privacy)
All LDAP queries have to be authenticated with this secret and the user DN cn=admin,ou=system,dc=cloudron
Bind password: (I selected a random 32 character string)
Restricted Access: I have the IP4 address for my Linode Server.
Here is a screenshot from Nextcloud (I removed my domain for privacy).
When I click "Save Credentials" I receive a "Configuration incomplete" error.
When I click "Test Base DN" I receive the following errors:
Configuration incorrect
The Base DN appears to be wrong
Lost connection to LDAP server
Am I inputting the wrong information for the credentials and Base DN? Thank you.