Update v2 to 2.2.4 Full Changelog fix(storage): replace timezone function call with view fix(consistency): align feed modification behavior between API and UI fix(ci): fix grammar in pull-request template fix: load icon from site URL instead of feed URL fix: feed icon from xml ignored during force refresh feat(rewrite)!: remove parse_markdown rewrite rule feat(mediaproxy): update predefined referer spoofing rules for restricted media resources feat(locale): update translations to clarify readeck URL instead of readeck API endpoint feat(locale): update German translations feat(locale): update Chinese translations feat(apprise): update SendNotification to handle multiple entries and add logging feat(apprise): add title in notification request body feat: resize favicons before storing them in the database feat: optionally fetch watch time from YouTube API instead of website feat: only show the commit URL if it's not empty on /about feat: add predefined scraper rules for arstechnica.com feat: add date-based entry filtering rulesMiniflux
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