Why does Kutt use so many google services?
Hello everyone,
I'm the creator of Kutt and I just somehow stumbled across this forum post.
I wanted to let you know that everything related to Google was removed in the version 3 of the app, which was released a few days ago.
I also wanted to say that I'm happy to see you took interest in Kutt. I hope you like the new version too. -
@humptydumpty @poeti8 Same here. Another big reason was the customizability. I need to be able to choose a favicon and control the design and content of the landing page.
Just in contact with @poeti8 because of customization. He released a developer built on GitHub and aksed me to test. As I am a total noob (that's why I am on cloudron maybe anyone of you can test. Here is the link https://github.com/thedevs-network/kutt/tree/develop?tab=readme-ov-file#themes-and-customizations
@andreasdueren any hint how to do it? just updated ..