Cloudron 5.5 released
You can read the full announcement in our shiny new Ghost blog here.
- Updated PostgreSQL 10 to PostgreSQL 11. A number of extensions are now enabled by default - citext, btree_gist, postgres_fdw, pg_stat_statements, plpgsql.
- MongoDB has been updated from 3.6 to 4.0. In the next release, we will do another upgrade to MongoDB 4.2.
- Configurable Backup & Update Schedule
- Option to delete Mailbox data when removing mailbox
- Option to fine tune backups storage like memory limit and concurrency
- The task system has been reworked. In previous releases, tasks shared the same cgroup and memory/CPU limitations of the box code. By spinning tasks now in cgroups of their own, we can configure the memory/CPU required for each individual task separately.
- The systemd target has been removed. To restart the box code, just use systemctl restart box now.
- SFTP and File manager now work correctly with apps that use an external data directory.
- File manager now shows directories first.
- Groups are now alphabetically sorted.
- Dark mode contrast issues in various views like Email view has been fixed.
- Route53: fix issue where validation failed when account has more than 100 zones.
- We have updated our GPG signing keys (the old ones were expiring).