It's easy these Days to create a Ticket an issue blame whatsoever.
What we always forget is I Guess to SAY Thank YOUThank you Clodron Team for being AWESOME.
And thank you to have Cloudron for Free!
You are doing great work and Progress: +1: -
DanTheManreplied to savity on Mar 12, 2021, 12:34 PM last edited by DanTheMan Mar 12, 2021, 12:35 PM
@savity normally i just look for the answers to my questions in the forums. Also i won't bump into discussions, but this time i just want to say i totally agree with Savity
Thank you dear Cloudron team for the great support and hard work
So almost 4 years later we had to reinstall the whole Cloudron VM and we were depending on the backups Cloudron made.
Since it was (by mistake) the only thing we had left at this point.
So we powered down the VM and did the restore process.
It had a lot of data to restore, but the dashboard was back up and running smoothly in just 20 minutes.So BIG Thanks to the Cloudron team for such a stable and good working product 🥳
Agreed. Cloudron is A+:)