OpenProject - Package Updates
- Update OpenProject to 11.1.0
- Improved styling of the WYSIWYG text editor
- Direct display of user name for @notifications
- Display project milestones aggregated for projects in a single row in Gantt chart
- Collapse all button for groups in the work packages list
- Full changelog
- Update OpenProject to 11.1.3
- Update base image to version 3
- Filter gets removed (ERIK@Staging) [#34003]
- S3 presigned URL cached for 7 days does not work with IAM roles and is a security issue [#35739]
- Images directly uploaded to s3 are not displayed within new tab [#36018]
- Selecting "Atom" in export menu throws cryptic error [#36052]
- Creating new synchronized groups from filters raises error if group name too long [#36081]
- Update OpenProject to 11.2.0
- Extended filter options by parent and ID
- Distribution of user administration
- UI and UX improvements
- Update OpenProject to 11.2.1
- Fixed: Inbound Emails - Email headers not handled correctly [#35834]
- Fixed: Configuration and display of days in My spent time widget on my Page do not match [#35920]
- Fixed: All data lost when switching from details view to fullscreen view while creating a work package [#35968]
- Fixed: missing translation "" [#36269]
- Fixed: Internal Error when Wiki entry contains single "!" [#36345]
- Fixed: Missing word in deletion confirmation for placeholder users [#36516]
- Fixed: Cannot select assignee on WP create when filtering for multi-select custom field of type list [#36607]
- Fixed: Error message in wrong language [#36688]
- Update OpenProject to 11.2.3
- Fixed: Task "Start Date in less than" filter does not include dates in the past. [#34513]
- Fixed: MimeMagic deprecated [#36725]
- Fixed: date entry of custom date field cannot be deleted [#36727]
- Fixed: Assign random password broken if "Number of most recently used passwords banned for reuse" enabled [#36746]
- Fixed: Work package table and Gantt not aligned [#36764]
- Fixed: BIM group seed data is always applied [#36796]
- Update OpenProject to 11.2.4
- Fixed: Pagination in search results [#35045]
- Fixed: Images in Dashboard are stretched in Safari [#36547]
- Fixed: Docker[ proxy apache2]: Report 502 if the file is uploaded [#36685]
- Fixed: Refresh problem after archiving projects [#36978]
- Fixed: Delayed request with system user fails due to temporary admin permissions [#37010]
- Fixed: Umlauts in project name break exports [#37014]
- Fixed: Setting sync users in synchronized group does not work without on-the-fly LDAP [#37036]
- Fixed: BIM seeder overrides custom design [#37037]
- Update OpenProject to 11.3.1
- Fixed: Search autocompleter n+1 loads schemas -> slow [#34884]
- Fixed: "Click here to open [...] in fullscreenview" not working [#37555]
- Fixed: Work package hierarchy breadcrumb links not working [#37575]
- Fixed: UIM: Not enough space in drop down when user already member [#37578]
- Fixed: Error "Identifier is invalid" when creating a project that starts with a digit [#37583]
- Update OpenProject to 11.3.2
- Fixed: Not possible to create or edit projects if relative url root configured [#37571]
- Fixed: Internal server error on custom fields view when using Slovene language [#37607]
- Fixed: Not possible to invite users via modal if relative url root configured [#37618]
- Update OpenProject to 11.3.5
- Fixed: User email validation regular expression insufficient [#38325]
- Fixed: Inherited role memberhips are not cleaned up if user is removed from a group via LDAP sync [#38614]
- Fixed: Release notes for 11-3-4 is empty [#38678]
- Update OpenProject to 11.4.0
- Release announcement
- Changelog
- Update OpenProject to 11.4.1
- Release announcement
- Update OpenProject to 12.0.0
- Release announcement