Firefly III - Package Updates
Firefly III
- Update Firefly III to 5.4.6
- Full changelog
- Issue 4031 Rule groups can be collapsed.
- Issue 4002 Category now support notes, although they're not displayed anywhere yet.
- Update base image to v3
- Update Firefly III to 5.5.1
- Full changelog
- Update Firefly III to 5.5.2
- Upgraded the render engine for the frontend.
- Issue 4547 Call to bad function breaks several report.
- Issue 4545 Migration error in some cases, fixed with an if-statement.
- Issue 4557 LDAP configuration error in Docker image.
- Issue 4560 The account number would be stored in the BIC field, if the BIC field was set.
- Issue 4562 Hidden budgets were visible in v2.
- Issue 4567 Missing translation marked as intentionally missing.
- Issue 4570 It was impossible to set or change auto budgets.
- Issue 4571 New layout could be one day behind in some cases.
- Issue 4572 Link to reconcile page was broken.
- Issue 4574 500-error when trying to update bills.
- Issue 4575 Add new date-ranges to the v2 index page.
- Issue 4578 Fixed some time selection issues in v2.
- Issue 4582 Inactive budgets would still get automated budget limits.
- Update Firefly III to 5.5.3
- Full changelog
- Issue 4547 Call to bad function breaks several report.
- Issue 4545 Migration error in some cases, fixed with an if-statement.
- Issue 4560 The account number would be stored in the BIC field, if the BIC field was set.
- Issue 4562 Hidden budgets were visible in v2.
- Issue 4567 Missing translation marked as intentionally missing.
- Update Firefly III to 5.5.8
- Dashboard preferences would some times retain old or bad data.
- Issue 4697 Submitting an existing account with an account number only would store it as a new account.
- Issue 4706 Account interest was a float and not a string.
- Store Budget API call would not properly handle auto budgets.
- Update Firefly III to 5.5.10
- Issue 4708 When searching for the external ID, Firefly III will now only return the exact match.
- Issue 4545 Rare but annoying issue with PostgreSQL increments will be repaired during image boot time. Thanks @jaylenw!
- Issue 4710 Some rule actions could not handle liabilities.
- Issue 4715 Fixed some titles.
- Issue 4720 Could not remove a split in the new layout.
- Update Firefly III to 5.5.11
- Issue 4707 issue 4732 Rule tests were broken, and matching transactions were not visible.
- Issue 4729 Top boxes were no longer visible.
- Issue 4730 Second split transaction had today's date
- Issue 4734 Potential fixes for PostgreSQL and PHP 7.4.18.
- Issue 4739 Was not possible to change liability type.
- Update Firefly III to 5.5.12
- This version of Firefly III fixes a security vulnerability in the export routine. You are advised to upgrade as soon as possible. All credits to the excellent @oomb.
- Update Firefly III to 5.6.10
- Full changelog
- A few new pages for the new v2 layout. Thanks @alex6480!
- Added a new currency, thanks @kasperkls02!
- You can now manage loans and debts a little better, see also the documentation for help.
- Some screenshots are now in the GitHub repository for better management, thanks @Flightkick!
- @LBreda has added a service worker and updated icons, thanks!
- Update Firefly III to 5.6.11
- Full changelog
- Added various debug log entries to diagnose issues
- Add various validation rules to the report page
- Created a new search option and rule trigger for the external_url-field, thanks @GeorgeHahn!
- Extra support for the DB_SOCKET configuration value in various places
- Issue 5422 Updating a liability account fails when passing in opening balance and opening balance date via API
- Issue 5540 Move rules using the API
- Issue 5575 Reconciling with a non-real date makes the reconciliation screen fail to load
- Issue 5610 Updating transaction with invalid splits fixed
- Update Firefly III to 5.6.14
- Full changelog
- Can now add daily bills
- Code related to the dynamic help text on GitHub
- Issue 5664 Bad report dates
- Issue 5666 Unexpected parse issue.
- Issue 5695 Search would miss the 26th account in a wildcard search.
- Install template was not working, thanks Softaculous!
- Empty string in reports URL could lead to parse issues.
- Update Firefly III to 5.6.16
- Full changelog
- Meta field external_uri will be renamed properly.
- Migrations are more robust.
- Issue 5493 CSP is too strict in some cases
- Issue 5694 Adding attachment on some expenses causes them to disappear from transactions list
- Issue 5724 Filter no_external_url fixed.
- Issue 5806 Pagination on "all transactions without budget" was broken
- Issue 5810 Search query with no_notes:true breaks after editing transaction
- Update Firefly III to 5.7.1
- Full changelog
- !! This release no longer supports LDAP !!
- All users have to reset their password before they can login again. The account email is the email set in the Cloudron user profile
See for user migration help.