Dolibarr - Package Updates
- initial version
- change default language (auto-detect + multilang support)
- change mail settings from cloudron env vars
- clean up directories -> dolibarr folder with stuff inside
- fix #1: Cron Jobs arent running (
- clean up base system : remove all old versions of PHP engine
- custom dir is now in data storage (users can upload custom modules "plugins")
- LDAP configuration is working
- Update Dolibarr to 13.0.2
- Changelog
- Update Dolibarr to 13.0.4
- Changelog
- Update Dolibarr to 14.0.0
- Changelog
- Update Dolibarr to 14.0.5
- Changelog
- Update Dolibarr to 15.0.3
- Changelog
- Make LDAP login work
A big part of the package had to be rewritten and possibly this might break some currently already broken installations. Please open new forum threads in the Dolibarr section if you encounter any issues.