FreeScout - Admin Passwort Reset
after some time (I don`t know how) I cannot login to freescout with the local admin credentials (admin@cloudron.local / changeme123). I swear, I never changed it.
Can you please help me an tell me how to reset the admin passwort. Terminal maybe?
If there is no chance, a lot of work is gone...
Thank you very much.
Best regards
@pelle hi
I quickly checked the available artisan commands, but it looks like one can only easily create a new user, so you can create a second admin with the following command via the webterminal into the app and then reset the password of the other admin.
sudo -E -u www-data php artisan freescout:create-user --role admin --firstName Second --lastName Admin --email admin2@cloudron.local --password changeme123 --no-interaction