Wekan - Package updates
- Update Wekan to 5.77
- Full changelog
- Global search load card details.
- Layout improvement: Adding organisations to the board.
- App reconnect is now possible if the connection was interrupted.
- Boards view has now drag handles at desktop view if drag handles are enabled.
- Account configuration of option loginExpirationInDays is now possible.
- Improve multi selection sidebar opening and closing.
- Update Wekan to 5.80
- Full changelog
- Show helper at label drag/drop if label popup opened from card details popup. Thanks to mfilser.
- Show or hide members and assignee(s) on minicard. Thanks to Ben0it-T.
- List adding has now a cancel button.
- CustomFields Currency, autofocus on edit.
- Attachments, show file size in KB in card details.
- Sidebar Member Settings Popup has now a Popup title.
- Add copy text button to most textarea fields.
- Update Wekan to 5.90
- Full changelog
- Edit team/org now update users.teams.teamDisplayName / users.orgs.orgDisplayName.
- Trello api.py: Added for using newest Trello API, to show Trello boards/cards/actions/reactions JSON and download Trello attachments as binary files from S3.
- Trello api.py: Added additional TODO notes.
- Added Info about Shared Templates In Progress.
- Fix getLabels exception in template helper.
- Fixed Templates are Missing, Error: Site not Found "/templates" is missing in the URL.
- Shared Templates part 5: Make visible Create template board checkbox and templates at All Boards page, In Progress.
- Fixed Duplicate board.
- Fix Create Board from Template not opening.
- Update Wekan to 5.91
- Full changelog
- Updated to Node.js v12.22.9.
- Added release scripts for starting and stopping services.
- Updated rebuild-wekan.sh script about installing dependencies.
- Updated dependencies.
- Update Wekan to 5.94
- Full changelog
- Upgraded markdown-it to 12.3.2.
- Added translations: Estonian (Estonia) et_EE, Russian (Ukraine) ru_UA, Ukrainian (Ukraine) uk_UA.
- Fixed OpenAPI docs generating has some swagger error.
- Added copy button to card title.
- Fix Card, List and Comment colors not visible at some themes.
- Update Wekan to 5.99
- Full changelog
- Revert rounded corners minicard on moderndark theme.
- Remove not working options from rebuild-wekan.sh.