Trilium - Package Updates
- Update Trilium to 0.48.6
- Full changelog
- Update Trilium to 0.48.7
- Full changelog
- Update Trilium to 0.48.9
- Full changelog
- Update Trilium to 0.49.4
- Full changelog
- it's now possible to share (read-only) notes publicly. See wiki
- number of backlinks to the current note are shown in the note detail
- Update Trilium to 0.49.5
- Full changelog
- changed shared_info class names to avoid conflict with adblocker, closes #2546
- print should include promoted attributes, #2550
- migration workaround for corrupted index in entity_changes table, closes #2534
- make getAncestors safe in respect to saved search
- ignore "Sync not configured" message when toggling shared state
- prevent infinite recursion when checking shared status
- start sync immediately after sharing/unsharing, fixes #2539
- Update Trilium to 0.50.1
- Full changelog
- brand new external REST API called ETAPI
- removed username from authentication, only password is now needed
- removed setting password in the initial setup to speed up the process and avoid confusing users, it's possible to set it up later
- added possibility to reset password (thus losing protected notes, if any) from Options.
- as a result of above, typical "new document" setup is just two-click process without having to enter username & password
- optimized sync protocol which can now in some cases halve the sync/time
- unified Jump-To and quick search behavior with regards to hoisting and opening in a new tab, #2483
- search immediately when user chooses "full search" from Jump To dialog, #2483
- make whole text/code detail clickable to improve UX, add placeholder to empty code notes
- print should include promoted attributes, #2550
- add #shareRoot label to define an "index" note, closes #2567
- initial theme is chosen based on OS settings, #2516
- focus promoted/owned attributes input after activating the ribbon tab, closes #2606
- Update Trilium to 0.50.2
- Full changelog
- fix exporting huge text notes (export would get stuck on HTML pretty print)
- introduced mutex to avoid random conflicts during rapid tab closing
- fix updating becca after undeleting notes
- fixed background color of input label in CKEditor search & replace, #2254
- fix multiple Etapi token options UI bugs, closes #2616
- Update Trilium to 0.50.3
- Full changelog
- add allow robots.txt tag for /share
- fix inclusion of share.js in builds, fixes #2738
- invalidate flat text cache after login to protected session, fixes #2712
- logging improvements
- fix uploading binary data through ETAPI, closes #2667
- raise line-height in share CSS to 1.5, fixes #2671
- fixed blurred selection background color, closes #2652
- make it clear that Dockerfile needs to be run through a script
- fix importing unknown image types such as .DWG, * closes #2628
- fix param validation
- Update Trilium to 0.51.2
- Full changelog
- addTextToEditor appends text to the end instead of the beginning
- fix "isActive()" detection to work well with splits, #2806
- fix doubling of icon tooltips, closes #2811
- allow searching within mermaid diagrams, closes #2821
- allow combining tokens in text and title/attributes, fixes #2820
- improve hiding of edit button #2787
- fix missing closing div tag in word count demo widget, closes #2829
- make sure shaca is loaded before any request
- Update Trilium to 0.52.2
- Full changelog
- new excalidraw backed "canvas note", contributed by @thfrei
- new Find in text widget, based on @antoniotejada's work
- add option to disable auto-download of images for offline storage, #2859
- disable COEP, fixes #2858
- moved protected session expiration scheduling #2855
- added #titleTemplate, closes #2852
- new ~ operator in search for regex
- allow operators =, = and = on note content
- Update Trilium to 0.52.3
- Full changelog
- (Bug report) Restoring note revision throws an exception #2915
- Added the USER_UID & USER_GID env variables #2917
- Update Trilium to 0.53.2
- Full changelog
- added TOC sidebar for text notes (based on @antoniotejada's work)
- Select template when creating page #2813
- Bulk-adding attributes #2812
- New (experimental) note type opening a webview with an external website #2515
- Select Tree Items in Between (Normally Shift) #2647
- fix node size in a note map when note has hidden image notes #2965
- use fenced code block style for markdown export #2963
- Update Trilium to 0.54.2
- Full changelog
- optional basic auth for shared notes, closes #2781
- add highlighting to search results, closes #2977
- allow per workspace calendars, fixes #2959
- added mermaid export SVG button
- export note ZIPs via ETAPI, #3012
- Add config setting to disable update check #3000
- added an option to define a "min TOC headings", #2985
- add #toc label to control Table of Contents visibility per note, #2985
- upgrade excalidraw to 0.12 #2994
- useMaxWidth for mermaid pie widget, fixes #2984
- Update Trilium to 0.54.3
- Full changelog
fixes overwriting attributes after clicking on a relation in the attribute editor, closes #3090 - defensive programming #3089
- trilium safe mode now disables GPU usage
- fix creating virtual "none" note in becca, #3066
- update demo document, closes #3061
- fix falsy check in setting custom widget positions, closes #3060
- fix "show recent note" button, closes #3051
- add manifest.webmanifest into desktop make pwa install on ipad #3048
- Update Trilium to 0.55.1
- Full changelog
- Fix max content width not working, fixes #3056
- Fix UTF-8 file name encoding for uploads, fixes #3013
- Fix relation map crash on missing inverse pair, fixes #3055
- Add shareDescription
- Filter excludeFromNoteMap from backlinks
- Add HTTP compression
- Rate limit the /auth/login route of ETAPI
- focus autocomplete on new tab even if there are workspaces, fixes #3083
- remove all alert() usages, fixes #3086
- fix share.js in case there's no menu
- limit max imported file size to 250 MiB, #3108
- add support for the persistent #sortDirection and #sortFoldersFirst (one time UI action exists), closes #3046
- small fixes to tray and closing windows
- focus existing window on port conflict, closes #3036
- remove port scanning for an available port #3036
- added Montserrat-Regular.ttf to fix boldness on mac, closes #3094
- separated editable code buttons into separate widget which also fixes scrolling issue
- added "scrolling-container" class, fixes #3147
- fix erasing notes - becca should be reloaded afterwards, closes #3146
- add file properties widget in mobile layout
- let import continue when malformed URLs are encountered
- bring back the possibility to close the floating buttons again, closes #3116
- ETAPI spec updated
- add #workspaceTemplate which works as workspace-scoped template, closes #3137
- make context sub-menu scrollable, fix #3136
- allow deleting notes from note actions button, closes #3131
- zoom buttons in main menu, closes #2894
- drag & drop from tree will insert links to notes, closes #227
- API log widget