Error using external smtp mail server
Hi there, I successfully migrated from a selfhosted docker installation to cloudron. So far as I can see everything works fine.
Only sending mails doesn't work. I configurated the domain to use an external smtp. I used that same smtp server for my selfhosted discourse installations.
There I had to configure mail-login in containers/app.ymlMy App-configuration in Cloudron
- E-Mail FROM Adresse: mail@domain
- x Do not configure inbox
My mail-configuration for domain
- external smtp
- status: test Mail arrives
My Mail Event Log:
no-reply@domain admin@domain Delivered mail community+verp-7077d0c715a9701676aba02c5ae1ce03@domain - Connection denied. Authenticated user community@domain cannot send mail as community+verp-7077d0c715a9701676aba02c5ae1ce03@domain
Discourse settings: Delivery Method
address: mail port: 2525 domain: user_name: community@domain authentication: plain enable_starttls_auto: true
I can not change these settings. Adress "mail" looks wrong, the port is also different then configured in cloudron external smtp
The apps on Cloudron are packaged, so they will always use the email solution on coming with Cloudron. So your manual changes in discourse will be overwritten on every app start.
In your case you can configure the other smtp server as the relay for that domain. This way all apps installed on that domain will have the same deliver-ability and don't need to be configured individually.
I had to enable Masquerading under settings.
"Masquerading allows users and apps to send emails with an arbitrary username in the FROM address." -
I had to enable Masquerading under settings.
"Masquerading allows users and apps to send emails with an arbitrary username in the FROM address." -
I had to enable Masquerading under settings.
"Masquerading allows users and apps to send emails with an arbitrary username in the FROM address."@solarsimon mm, usually that should not be required. Did you set the mail from address of the discourse app in the Email view - ?