Pdlib php8.0 facerecognition App
After I updated my PHP version to 8.0, nextcloud now tells me that the pdflib for the facerecognition app is missing. Logical, but how do I install it now?
https://prnt.sc/QPWCbyVaPSc_if I try it with the following instructions: https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition/wiki/PDlib-Installation#ubuntu-jammy
I just get the following errors with the make command: https://prnt.sc/P7Gg4F290oxP
After I updated my PHP version to 8.0, nextcloud now tells me that the pdflib for the facerecognition app is missing. Logical, but how do I install it now?
https://prnt.sc/QPWCbyVaPSc_if I try it with the following instructions: https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition/wiki/PDlib-Installation#ubuntu-jammy
I just get the following errors with the make command: https://prnt.sc/P7Gg4F290oxP
@Timojl1 Have you installed nextcloud on Cloudron ? Are building pdlib on the server? You should instead modify the nextcloud app package - https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron/nextcloud-app/