Improve the transactional email set-up docs
The instructions at ought to be a lot clearer.
At present things are back to front.
The docs say where you can change the
settings before telling you that you must first create those mail boxes and enable email masquerading or you cannot change them.And then, at the very end, they link to my step by step instructions on here.
It be much more useful to link to my instructions at the beginning, or even better to put the step-by-step instructions directly into the docs.
But for a quick edit if you can't be bothered to do that, just swap around the order of some of what is already there.
There are three email addresses in Ghost:
Password Reset & Invitation - This address can be changed using the Mail FROM address set in the Email section of the app. Support email address - defaults to . This can be changed in Membership -> Portal Settings -> Customize Portal -> Account page settings . See the notes below on how to change this. Newsletter email address - defaults to . This can be changed in Email newsletter -> Newsletter -> Customize -> Email addresses -> Sender email address. See the notes below on how to change this.
When trying to change the Support and Newsletter email addresses, to say, Ghost will send a confirmation mail from to The noreply@ address is hardcoded and cannot be changed.
Out of the box, Cloudron will block this confirmation mail because it does not allow apps to send emails with arbitrary addresses. To remedy this:
In Cloudron dashboard, go to Email -> Select Domain -> Settings -> Enable Masquerading. This will allow Ghost to send emails with Do not turn off this setting later because Ghost will need to send email as the Support email address for subscription confirmation. Create the support@ and newsletter@ mailboxes in This is required to receive the confirmation mails. Change the address inside Ghost. Click on the received confirmation links.
There are three email addresses in Ghost:
Password Reset & Invitation - This address can be changed using the Mail FROM address set in the Email section of the app. Support email address - defaults to . Newsletter email address - defaults to
When trying to change the Support and Newsletter email addresses, to say, Ghost will send a confirmation mail from to The noreply@ address is hardcoded and cannot be changed.
Out of the box, Cloudron will block this confirmation mail because it does not allow apps to send emails with arbitrary addresses. To remedy this:
In Cloudron dashboard, go to Email -> Select Domain -> Settings -> Enable Masquerading. This will allow Ghost to send emails with Do not turn off this setting later because Ghost will need to send email as the Support email address for subscription confirmation. Create the support@ and newsletter@ mailboxes in This is required to receive the confirmation mails. Change the addresses inside Ghost: The Support email address can be changed in Membership -> Portal Settings -> Customize Portal -> Account page settings . Click on the received confirmation link. The Newsletter email address can be changed in Email newsletter -> Newsletter -> Customize -> Email addresses -> Sender email address. Click on the received confirmation link.
Good suggestions, made the changes.