Goteo on Cloudron (Open Source Crowdfunding)
Goteo is a Free Software alternative to proprietary crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Crowd Supply. Some organizations are excluding people from the economy by closing bank accounts or shutting down crowdfunding on proprietary sites.
There is a Docker. requirements PHP v7 (PHP 7.1 recommended) or later with extensions gd, mcrypt, curl, mbstring, json, mysql activated Access to the terminal in the webserver and cron. Apache, Nginx or any other server with ModRewrite activated MySQL 5.7 (or MariaDB 10.2) or later At this point, there are still no production-ready releases.
I think, if you create a funding project on Goteo, you get a page for it. If you need another dedicated website, I would say use something like:
or Flectra's upstream project: -
@murgero said in Goteo on Cloudron (Open Source Crowdfunding):
@loudlemur For those looking to run this NOW and not wait for packaging, this will run lovely in the LAMP app which supports php7/8, Maria/Mysql, cron, and has mod-rewrite
Was Goteo eventually packaged for Cloudron? I can't see it.