Speedy Pages hosting
Seeing a recommendation for these guys on the "WP Speed Matters" Facebook Group.
Maybe interesting for anyone on a quest for testing and finding the fastest stacks.
Prices seem comparable to Hetzner, and alternative locations.
Also, if anyone is testing, maybe worth messaging them and seeing if they'd make Cloudron an option for VPS setups, help introduce it to their audience.
Thanks, they look pretty decent, especially as an affordable UK based VPS provider that tries to use 100% renewable energy...
I shall investigate further and likely add them to my list of Eco VPS providers https://ud.coop/ecovps
Seeing a recommendation for these guys on the "WP Speed Matters" Facebook Group.
Maybe interesting for anyone on a quest for testing and finding the fastest stacks.
Prices seem comparable to Hetzner, and alternative locations.
Also, if anyone is testing, maybe worth messaging them and seeing if they'd make Cloudron an option for VPS setups, help introduce it to their audience.
@marcusquinn Thank you so much, your advice is always invaluable.
Thanks, they look pretty decent, especially as an affordable UK based VPS provider that tries to use 100% renewable energy...
I shall investigate further and likely add them to my list of Eco VPS providers https://ud.coop/ecovps
@jdaviescoates said in Speedy Pages hosting:
Thanks, they look pretty decent, especially as an affordable UK based VPS provider that tries to use 100% renewable energy...
Only the UK locations are currently 100% powered by renewables
I shall investigate further and likely add them to my list of Eco VPS providers https://ud.coop/ecovps
Done. They are actually the cheapest 100% renewable UK vps provider I'm aware of! Thanks again @marcusquinn
@marcusquinn Thank you so much, your advice is always invaluable.
@p44 I am a bit obsessed with speed
@p44 I am a bit obsessed with speed
@marcusquinn 100? It looks great! I never never never had 100!
Edit: I see is a Wordpress website, behind Cloudflare, right? Also, I would like to ask you which plan are you using and with what resources
@marcusquinn 100? It looks great! I never never never had 100!
Edit: I see is a Wordpress website, behind Cloudflare, right? Also, I would like to ask you which plan are you using and with what resources
@p44 Seems easier to get 100 on performance without Cloudflare TBH, I had more consistent faster results before turning that on. Still fast, but just another variable in the routing and processing.
Hetzner CPX31 shared:
(I think the Usage price is with the 20% added for their daily snapshots.)
128MB RAM allocated to that WP App at the time of testing.
You can get 100 scores on any VPS with WordPress as long as your theme is well designed, minifying, and full-page caching. Gutenburg-only, too. Definitely no other page builders, you just don't need them nowadays, probably never did, but people like shiny things, so they sell.
The real performance is in unloading plugins, so that there's less of everything unnecessary on every single page, including logged-in, which can only be fragment cached, and all the ecommerce bits, which need to be AJAX.
I fully believe the whole new ways of developing websites, SPAs etc, just miss the point, and moving the work from one place to another.
You need to look at WP as more of an operating system for building the various outputs, than a CMS.
Problem is, people get suckered into the glorious designer do-it-all themes, and buy based on the demo appearances and uniqueness. When most should really just start with the base 2023 or whatever year theme, and focus on structure, functionality, and content.
I will blog more about this, when time.
But if you want 100 scores, compute money won't solve that.
Still, can't harm to have reliable hosting compute. The biggest factor will be disc I/O on that level, though. So the benchmarks are useful.
@p44 Seems easier to get 100 on performance without Cloudflare TBH, I had more consistent faster results before turning that on. Still fast, but just another variable in the routing and processing.
Hetzner CPX31 shared:
(I think the Usage price is with the 20% added for their daily snapshots.)
128MB RAM allocated to that WP App at the time of testing.
You can get 100 scores on any VPS with WordPress as long as your theme is well designed, minifying, and full-page caching. Gutenburg-only, too. Definitely no other page builders, you just don't need them nowadays, probably never did, but people like shiny things, so they sell.
The real performance is in unloading plugins, so that there's less of everything unnecessary on every single page, including logged-in, which can only be fragment cached, and all the ecommerce bits, which need to be AJAX.
I fully believe the whole new ways of developing websites, SPAs etc, just miss the point, and moving the work from one place to another.
You need to look at WP as more of an operating system for building the various outputs, than a CMS.
Problem is, people get suckered into the glorious designer do-it-all themes, and buy based on the demo appearances and uniqueness. When most should really just start with the base 2023 or whatever year theme, and focus on structure, functionality, and content.
I will blog more about this, when time.
But if you want 100 scores, compute money won't solve that.
Still, can't harm to have reliable hosting compute. The biggest factor will be disc I/O on that level, though. So the benchmarks are useful.
@marcusquinn I completely agree with your perspective. It's true that achieving a 100 score on performance doesn't necessarily require Cloudflare, and in some cases, it might even complicate the process due to the additional routing and processing involved.
And you're absolutely right, throwing more money at compute resources won't necessarily lead to a 100 score: the biggest factor at that level will indeed be disk I/O, making benchmarks quite useful.
I look forward to reading your blog post on this topic.
Thanks a lot for sharing your experience
@marcusquinn I completely agree with your perspective. It's true that achieving a 100 score on performance doesn't necessarily require Cloudflare, and in some cases, it might even complicate the process due to the additional routing and processing involved.
And you're absolutely right, throwing more money at compute resources won't necessarily lead to a 100 score: the biggest factor at that level will indeed be disk I/O, making benchmarks quite useful.
I look forward to reading your blog post on this topic.
Thanks a lot for sharing your experience
@p44 Ditto. I've learned more from here and other communities online than I could ever have imagined. Perfectionism is an enemy, but anything you stick at long enough,
is always achievable
@p44 Ditto. I've learned more from here and other communities online than I could ever have imagined. Perfectionism is an enemy, but anything you stick at long enough,
is always achievable
@marcusquinn Yes, it is. Thanks again and see you soon