Stirling-PDF - Package Updates
Could we please get the latest version of this package?
G girish forked this topic on
can you please update again to pull in fixes 0.11.2 -
- Update Stirling-PDF to 0.12.1
- Full changelog
- Markdown to PDF, Get Info and Convert to long single page
- Convert a PDF into a single page (ie turn a 3 page a4 into a single giant long page)
- Markdown to PDF (WIP)
- Get all info on PDF, Turns a JSON of all possible info you might want to know about a PDF
- Etract pages (Re uses Organiser page but renamed for searchability)
- Update Stirling-PDF to 0.13.1
- Full changelog
- Redact now supports hex colour values
- downloading security jar every run
- max 1mb upload error
- some settings not applying
- Permissions not showing in get info
- deleting your own user
- Delete all metadata option not working
- Update stirling-pdf to 0.14.0
- full changelog
- Now support PUID, PGID and UMASK environment parameters running stirling-pdf under stirlingpdfuser
- Side Stitch booklet arrangement for pdf organise (Thanks @darddan)
- Japanese language update (thanks @tkymmm)
- Basque language update (Thanks @ikerib)
- German language update (Thanks @c-jaenicke)
- French language update (Thanks @deraw)
- Any others sorry if i missed any been so many this time!
- Allow settings.yml to be auto updated with new properties (and remove old ones)
- Removal of initialLogin username and password in property instead set to a default 'admin' and 'stirling' forcing user to change on login
- Removal of rootURIPath setting, set in envrionment only
- Update stirling-pdf to 0.14.4
- Full changelog
- Multi page layout supports borders
- Additional size metrics for get infro feature
- Fix for Docker-lite image
- Incorrect docs
- reapply of environment variables SECURITY_INITIALLOGIN_USERNAME and SECURITY_INITIALLOGIN_PASSWORD to add credentials straight away
- Extract images checks for duplicates before adding
- Removal password no longer requires password for PDFs which are encrypted without a password
- Update stirling-pdf to 0.14.5
- Full changelog
- Greek language added (Thanks @DimK10 !)
- Bulgarian language added (Thanks @nimdassdev !)
- Multiple languages updated to include recent updates, thanks to all those involved!
- PDF to IMAGE to support TIFF BMP and WBMP