Case sensitivity: lower/upper case for suggestions
While filling out transacrions, the search for existing accounts (like companies as the counterpart) is case-sensitive.
It is very uncomfortable because sometimes the official spelling divers from the assumed spelling in terms of upper/lower case.According to the maintainer of firefly-iii this is a db issue.
Is there any way to change the db config to be case-insenstivie for (auto-complete) suggestions?
More details here in issue #8187 in the project
While filling out transacrions, the search for existing accounts (like companies as the counterpart) is case-sensitive.
It is very uncomfortable because sometimes the official spelling divers from the assumed spelling in terms of upper/lower case.According to the maintainer of firefly-iii this is a db issue.
Is there any way to change the db config to be case-insenstivie for (auto-complete) suggestions?
More details here in issue #8187 in the project