Incoming Email functionality
Hi, I played a little bit around with email notification and also the possibility to e.g. create new work packages via email.
Is this functionality still implemented (like outgoing mails) or has it to be configured via the ENV parameters?
Hi, I played a little bit around with email notification and also the possibility to e.g. create new work packages via email.
Is this functionality still implemented (like outgoing mails) or has it to be configured via the ENV parameters?
@hpz24 incoming email is not automated. This is because inboxes cannot be created for domains which Cloudron does not handle. Or if you decide to move Cloudron Email, the setup in the apps is left dangling.
You have to create a mailbox where your domain hosts email. Then, put
openproject run bundle exec rake redmine:email:receive_imap host='' username='test_user' password='password' port=993 ssl=true ssl_verification=true allow_override=type,project project=test_project
in the cronjob as suggested by your doc link. You can put the cron job in the app's cron section - thing is that I suggest you run the above command in the Web Terminal manually and check that it works before you put it in the cron. Will make debugging simpler. I haven't tested but looking at our code, it seems we run the rake tasks like this:
cd /app/code export HOME=/run export TMPDIR=/run/openproject/tmp echo "=> Run cron job" RAILS_ENV="production" /usr/local/bin/gosu www-data:www-data ./bin/rake jobs:workoff
You can put above in say
, make it executable and make cron run that script. -
We used to have this feature enabled in our gitlab instance in the past but it proved to be dangerous since it consumes every email including spam. Just a heads up