Stirling-PDF - Package Updates
- IMPORTANT Breaking change:
- This app now uses Stirling-PDF built-in authentication.
- The default credentials is
. Please change password immediately. - Additional users can be added in the settings page
- With this page, it's also easy to use Stirling-PDF API using
- IMPORTANT Breaking change:
G girish forked this topic on
- Update stirling-pdf to 0.16.0
- Full changelog
- OCR update to tesseract 5 from 4.00 (Requires volume path change) and OCRmyPDF update
- PDF to CSV (table extract) work in progress (Thanks @Artem-ka-create !)
- Several language updates (Thanks to all! there have been loads these last 2 months!!)
- Turkish Language added (Thanks @omerbustun !)
- Dark mode cleanup (taskbar is now dark and general dark mode UI improvement) (thanks @sanjeevneo )
- Update stirling-pdf to 0.17.0
- Full changelog
- Now support log files info.log and auth.log located at /logs to support fail2ban and other log scanning utils
- New Overlay PDFs feature to overlay multiple PDFs ontop of each other
- New SplitBySection feature to split a PDF into multi horizontal and vertical sections (halfs quarters etc)
- New SplitBySizeOrCount feature to split a PDF into multiple documents based on inputted page doc or size count
- Security updates
- OCR now shows full language names in checkboxes
- French and Spanish updates (thanks @NeilJared and @NicolasFR)
- Fixed login issues for lite and ultra lite packages
- nogui libreoffice causing ptx conversion issues
- Update available button now hidden if connection issue rather than always showing
- Update stirling-pdf to 0.18.1
- Full changelog
- Brute force protection with password limits (configurable in settings.yml)
- Demo user mode
- Remove Annotations (Thanks @sbplat)
- SVG and WEBP support for image to PDF (Thanks @sbplat)
- detect blank pages optimisation (Thanks @Emad-Eldin-G)
- Numerous other web updates and fixes by @sbplat !
- Removal of JPEG2000 due to licensing issues (Sorry!)
- Stirling-PDF banner in logs
- Update stirling-pdf to 0.19.0
- Full changelog
- Cert signing is now fixed! Supporting PEM PKCS12 and JKS (Thanks @sbplat )
- New licenses page at footer showing all java dependencies and their associated licenses (enhanced in future to show CLI deps in future)
- Github URL updates as we moved from user account to github org!
- Traditional Chinese Language added (Thanks @PeterDaveHelloKitchen !)
- Serbian Language added (Thanks @92mn !)
- Lots more language updates, thanks again everyone!! Some of you are getting insanely speedy with the updates too super appreciated
- Page numbers now show on hover from Multi-tool (Thanks @mannam11 !)
- Some SEO changes thanks (@Antiarchitect )
- Merge pages now supports multiple folders and removal of PDFs (Thanks @mannam11)
- Update stirling-pdf to 0.20.0
- Full changelog
- Fix for version number not showing up #668
- Fix for rotation/splitting/ anything location based not working for certain PDFs particully Google docs #628
- fix: version showing as 0.0.0 by @sbplat in
- Enable support for tables in the conversion from Markdown to HTML by @iLern in
- Updated demo site by @Sf298 in
- Specify code block language in Markdown for syntax highlighting by @PeterDaveHello in
- PDFBox v3 upgrade plus resolution to reversed text by @Frooodle in
- Update stirling-pdf to 0.20.1
- Full changelog
- Added stamp functionality (add text or images to set locations, custom opacity and color)
- Fix pipeline issues with none PDF formats
- fix html to pdf and add additional options
- Fix file accept options for file inputs
- Auto language selection
- language updates #712
- Update stirling-pdf to 0.21.0
- Full changelog
- Language updates
- Stamp feature enhancements / changes (@sbplat )
- All images use Alpine to reduce docker size (This may cause issues with new versioning of apps like LibreOffice PLEASE RAISE TICKETS! ) (Special thanks to @Zoey2936 for this one for spending so long on it due to different issues!)
- Removal of DockerFileBase image
- New icon !!
- Several various tune-ups and changes from @Ludy87
- Fixed the "Bored Waiting" button
- Blank page detection now uses Java not Python and works better
- Update stirling-pdf to 0.22.1
- Full changelog
- Add by @seku80 in #833
- Update by @albanobattistella in #839
- Application file fixes, added loggers instead of sysout by @parth-p-shah in #852
- Removed: Duplicate Properties Keys pt_PT by @Ludy87 in #854
- Update by @parth-p-shah in #853
- added missing translation strings by @Ludy87 in #888
- Fix TypeError by rotation by @Ludy87 in #890
- fixes for user permissions by @Frooodle in #892
- Update stirling-pdf to 0.22.2
- Full changelog
- Number fxes by @Frooodle in