WPML not working in managed?
tried to get WPML - a major multi language plugin - working in WordPress managed.First issue was, it tried to create a folder in /app/code/wp-content/language and failed due to no writing rights.
As far as I understand, wp-content is located in /app/data? Why did WPML try to access the /app/code folder instead?
I solved this one by manually adding the directories and it was then able to write to it.
However, I'm also stuck in some database table related stuff. The troubleshooting doesn't work.WPML is missing some records in the languages tables and it cannot fully work until this issue is fixed. Please go to the Troubleshooting page and click on "Clear language information and repopulate languages" to fix this problem. This warning will disappear once this issue is fixed.
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Loads of things don't work as expected with Managed as it's so locked down.
Personally I'd strongly recommend never using it. It seems to me that nearly all the WordPress related issues on here are due to using the Managed package.
@dsp76 I think this was a bug in the package not setting WP_CONTENT_DIR maybe. I have pushed a new package which sets this, can you check if that helps? I could not test WPML personally since it seems this is some paid plugin (unless there is a test version somewhere for me to test)