ERR_INVALID_URL & UPSTASH log entries - sidequest: disable telemetry & Signup
Excuse me for being pedantic. That's my Monk inside.
The moment we fixed the error for not sending emails, I looked at the env.example from the project (
I want to have
and have tried the variants with"true"
and without. Without effects.To get an idea of what was happening, I looked at the log files and found
due to not finding UPSTASH env
In env.example there is an
ALLOWED_HOSTNAMES='"", "", "", "", "cal.local:3000", "localhost:3000"'
. Strangely - the moment I type something likeALLOWED_HOSTNAMES='"", "localhost:3000", "cloudron:1337"'
, the logs show meSep 04 21:26:31@calcom/web:start: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ' in JSON at position 1
.So this doesn't fix the
log entry.Does anyone else have any helpful ideas?
Sep 04 21:30:56@calcom/web:start: (node:4043) ExperimentalWarning: The Fetch API is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time Sep 04 21:30:56@calcom/web:start: (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created) Sep 04 21:31:27@calcom/web:start: 19:31:27.707 WARN RateLimit Disabled due to not finding UPSTASH env variables Sep 04 21:31:28@calcom/web:start: 2023-09-04 19:31:28.077 UTC [ERROR] (next-collect/server) - Invalid URL TypeError [ERR_INVALID_URL]: Invalid URL Sep 04 21:31:28@calcom/web:start: at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:393:5) Sep 04 21:31:28@calcom/web:start: at URL.onParseError (node:internal/url:565:9) Sep 04 21:31:28@calcom/web:start: at new URL (node:internal/url:645:5) Sep 04 21:31:28@calcom/web:start: at new URL (node:internal/url:642:22) Sep 04 21:31:28@calcom/web:start: at Object.parsePublicUrl (/run/calcom/node_modules/next-collect/dist/next-shim.js:74:27) Sep 04 21:31:28@calcom/web:start: at Object.nextApiHandler (/run/calcom/node_modules/next-collect/dist/server.js:58:40) Sep 04 21:31:28@calcom/web:start: at /run/calcom/node_modules/next-collect/dist/server.js:180:25 Sep 04 21:31:28@calcom/web:start: at /run/calcom/node_modules/next/dist/server/api-utils/node.js:463:16 Sep 04 21:31:28@calcom/web:start: at /run/calcom/node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/trace/tracer.js:117:36 Sep 04 21:31:28@calcom/web:start: at NoopContextManager.with (/run/calcom/node_modules/@opentelemetry/api/build/src/context/NoopContextManager.js:25:19) { Sep 04 21:31:28@calcom/web:start: input: 'https,', Sep 04 21:31:28@calcom/web:start: code: 'ERR_INVALID_URL' Sep 04 21:31:28@calcom/web:start: }
N nebulon marked this topic as a question on
At least for telemetry settings, the already disables it is this not working?
Have to check the
later.Is the URL issue with upstash a separate thing, or related to telemetry?
ok, you started with the sidequest, which was my first task, and later I found the quoted parts in the logs.
To create more structure:-
OK. Disable telemetry
is not necessary because
. I have no idea how to test this. -
Disable signup
did not work in my tests. -
I tried to fix the error in the log file
Sep 04 21:31:28@calcom/web:start: code: 'ERR_INVALID_URL'
with the optionALLOWED_HOSTNAMES=
in the env file. Did not work. robi had suggested that the internal Docker IP could be the url. -
The only information I found about the UPSTASH warning in the logs (
Sep 04 21:31:27@calcom/web:start: 19:31:27.707 WARN RateLimit Disabled
) comes from the env.example and seems to have something to do with redisUPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL=
Maybe it's complete nonsense
So the URL issue is because the code crashes at
This is again due to the fact that the
(specifying two protocols...same for ports actualy80,443
also wrong) So far I am not sure where this comes from, our nginx configs only set the correcthttps
.I assume this is some or next.js issue
I just posted a separate topic that might be part of the issue here, too: