SPAM classification for GitLab adding users with Google email address
We're using SendGrid in combination with Cloudron and every time we invite users with a Google/Gmail email address, the invitation is classified as spam email by Google. If you move the email manually to the inbox, Google seems to automatically learn with that action and classifies the next emails delivered by GitLab not as spam.
SendGrid sender authentication is completed, also DKIM, SPF and DMARC are set and validated. Domain reputation pointed out by SendGrid is 100 %.
The Cloudron built in test emails are delivered to the same Google addresses without the spam classification.
Send a test email from the GitLab rails console, it also works. Maybe a problem with the email template GitLab is using?
Tests with some other email providers were successful, only with Google we're running into this behaviour.
Maybe anyone else had a similar problem/can provide a workaround?