Update Broke Existing Installation
Updating to 1.12.15 my instance to stop loading (just a white screen when you go the URL).
I have updated to 1.12.16 but it did not fix the issue.
Upon loading the app I see this in the error log:
<!-- If you are reading this, there is a fair change that the react application has not loaded for you. There are a couple of solutions: 1. Download the release file from https://github.com/invoiceninja/invoiceninja and overwrite your current installation. 2. Switch back to the Flutter application by editing the database, you can do this with the following SQL UPDATE accounts SET set_react_as_default_ap = 0; -->
I was able to switch back to the Flutter app by running the mysql command:
UPDATE accounts SET set_react_as_default_ap = 0;
However, it would be great to be able to access the react app again!
@Dave-Swift I guess they are still developing the react app and it's feature set it not compatible entirely with the featureset you are using. That is my reading of that error message.
I've been using the react version for months at this point. The recent update broke the Cloudron version.
@Dave-Swift ah ok, so there is no error anywhere? In browser console or in Cloudron logs ?
The error I posted is in the browser console.
The latest changelog refers to some "react ui" fixes.
Everything is working great right now! Thanks.
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