n8n - Updates are unavailable
I got n8n on a cloudron.
It stopped receive updates from 02/23/2024 and right now it is still at the version 1.26.0
Why could that happened and how to make cloudron receive updates again? -
@AlexZhitmarev Could be many reasons, can you try these:
- Maybe it's not able to contact the app store to check for updates. Can you check in Services -> Unbound ? Maybe even restart unbound.
- After that , n8n -> Updates -> check for updates (in cloudron dashboard). Does it show an update?
- If it doesn't show an update
- What is the Cloudron version you are on? This is displayed in Settings.
- Can you check for any errors in
latest version in the app catalogue is 1.40.0
If automatic updates are activated in your Cloudron instance, n8n is updated the moment the app catalogue contains the newer version. -
@dvlexp https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/releases/tag/n8n%401.41.0 is not a stable release. We only publish the stable releases.
@dvlexp you have to ask these questions upstream in the n8n forum - https://community.n8n.io/ . We can only provide help here with the packaging aspect of n8n itself. App related issues are best asked upstream.