migrate immich backup to different server
I'd like to restore the immich database to a non-cloudron server. The Immich backup/restore instructions
say to do this:gunzip < "/path/to/backup/dump.sql.gz"
| sed "s/SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);/SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', 'public, pg_catalog', true);/g"
| docker exec -i immich_postgres psql --username=postgres # Restore Backup
docker compose up -d # Start remainder of Immich appsCan I use Cloudron's "postgresqldump "backup to do this? It does not appear to be a gzip file. "gzip: stdin: not in gzip format".
Or is there an easier way to restore the database on a non-cloudron server?